Overall Score

Choice Mutual’s ratings are determined by a review formula that weights the following four factors to determine a score between 0 and 5:

Factor Score Value
Price of Coverage
No-Waiting-Period CoverageNo Waiting Period
Financial Strength
NAIC Complaint Index
Overall Maximum

Our ratings are tested with scoring model 1.1, a review formula that ensures consistency and accuracy in our assessments.

1.5 out of 5
Price of Coverage
Price of Coverage
40% of overall score

Using this quote calculator, we compare the price of the insurer’s coverage to competitors with equivalent products. The score they receive is based on how close their price is to those three least expensive providers:

  • 50-5% more expensive
  • 46-10% more expensive
  • 311-20% more expensive
  • 221-30% more expensive
  • 1≥ 40% more expensive
No-Waiting-Period CoverageNo Waiting Period
No-Waiting-Period Coverage
20% of overall score

This scoring factor assesses whether an insurer offers coverage with no waiting period and, if so, how difficult it is to qualify for it. If an insurer does not provide coverage with no waiting period, it gets an automatic 1. A score from 2 to 5 indicates that immediate coverage is possible, and the higher the rating, the easier it is for the average applicant to qualify for it.

  • 5Most applicants qualify
  • 4Fairly easy qualification
  • 3Somewhat difficult qualification
  • 2Very difficult qualification
  • 1No-waiting-period coverage unavailable
Financial Strength
Financial Strength
20% of overall score

Our financial strength scores are based on A.M. Best’s Financial Strength Ratings (FSR), which measure an insurer’s financial strength and ability to meet its ongoing insurance policy and contract obligations. The scores they receive are based on the following scale:

  • 5Superior (A+ or A++)
  • 4Excellent (A- to A)
  • 3Fair/Good (B- to B++)
  • 2Weak/Marginal (C- to C++)
  • 1Poor (D or Not Rated)
NAIC Complaint Index
NAIC Complaint Index
20% of overall score

The NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) complaint index measures how frequently an insurer obtains consumer complaints relative to a median score across all insurers. Our scoring model is based on an insurer’s NAIC complaint index for the most recently available year and for ‘Individual Life’ products:

  • 50.0 - 1.0 (avg or below avg complaints)
  • 41.01 - 1.5 (slightly above avg complaints)
  • 31.51 - 2.0 (up to 2x avg complaints)
  • 22.01 - 3.0 (up to 3x avg complaints)
  • 1≥ 3.01 (more than 3x avg complaints)
AAA burial insurance is a competitively priced guaranteed acceptance whole life policy with a two-year waiting period. If you need a policy without health questions, AAA is likely your best option. However, most seniors can find a policy with another company that costs less and has immediate coverage for natural or accidental death.

  • You cannot be denied due to your health history.
  • It’s often the lowest-priced guaranteed issue coverage compared to other insurance companies.
  • Double death benefit payout for accidental death.


  • Everyone has a 24-month waiting period.
  • There are no final expense insurance options for young adults under 45
  • Unless you have dire health issues, you can likely get a no-waiting period burial insurance plan elsewhere.

Not Rated
S&P Global
Not Rated

AM Best’s Financial Strength Rating (FSR) is an independent opinion of an insurer’s financial strength and ability to meet its ongoing insurance policy and contract obligations. The scores range from A++ to D-.

Moody’s Investors Service rates the creditworthiness of companies. The Moody’s Rating Scale has 21 possible scores ranging from “Aaa” (highest mark) down to “C” (lowest mark).

S&P Global Inc. issues credit ratings on a scale from “AAA” (highest rating) to “D” (lowest rating).

Customer Review Ratings
45 reviews
1027 reviews
241 reviews
15 reviews
Consumer Protection Organization Scores

The Complaint Index compares a company’s performance to other companies in the market. The National Complaint Index is always 1.00. That means a company with a complaint index of 2.00 is twice as high as expected in the market. Reported scores are for the most recently available year and for “Individual Life” products.

The BBB rating is based on information BBB is able to obtain about the business, including complaints received from the public. BBB seeks and uses information directly from businesses and from public data sources. BBB assigns ratings from A+ (highest) to F (lowest). If a business has been accredited by the BBB, it means BBB has determined that the business meets accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints.

Ratings and scores valid as of 10/30/2024.
Policy Type
Whole Life
New Applicant Age Range
Death Benefit Options
States Where Available
All except NY
Builds Cash Value
Has Health Questions
2-Year Waiting Period
Medical Exam Required
Age When Policy Expires
Prices Increase


How Does AAA Final Expense Insurance Work?

AAA final expense insurance is a guaranteed issue whole life insurance policy. There are no health questions, and no medical exam is required.

Per the product fact sheet on the AAA website, for the first 24 months, AAA will only refund you 130% of your premiums for non-accidental death. Like USAA burial insurance, you must live for at least two years for a AAA burial insurance plan to pay the full death benefit.

When you die, AAA will pay your beneficiaries cash (tax-free), which they can spend on anything, including funeral costs, medical or financial debts, or anything else.

The premiums never increase, the coverage won’t decrease, and it’s permanent life insurance, meaning it lasts forever.

You can apply for their coverage via mail, online, or by calling them. Also, you will save about $60 per year if you’re an existing AAA member.


How Much Does AAA Burial Insurance Cost?

AAA burial insurance can cost as low as $27 or as high as $381 monthly, depending on your age, gender, and how much coverage you choose. Below is a rate chart with some sample prices.

Age & Gender$5,000$10,000$25,000
Female age 45$27$46$93
Male age 45$34$58$127
Female age 50$27$46$93
Male age 50$34$58$127
Female age 55$27$46$93
Male age 55$34$58$127
Female age 60$27$48$107
Male age 60$34$62$139
Female age 65$31$55$128
Male age 65$40$73$168
Female age 70$41$76$174
Male age 70$52$97$217
Female age 75$54$102$228
Male age 75$60$115$280
Female age 80$74$118$274
Male age 80$85$164$381
Female age 85$74$118$274
Male age 85$85$164$381
Source for monthly prices: Choice Mutual quote calculator. Rates are calculated at a non-tobacco rating, rounded to the nearest dollar, and are valid as of 08/01/2024.


Should You Buy AAA’s Final Expense Insurance?

AAA is a superior option if you need or prefer a policy requiring no exam or health questions. From a cost perspective, they are typically the cheapest for a guaranteed acceptance plan.

However, most seniors can obtain a policy with no waiting period from other companies that do ask questions about health. It’s important to remember that most pre-existing conditions are eligible for an immediate death benefit policy.

It’s advisable to consult with an independent agency so they can compare multiple providers to find you one that will accept your health conditions.

Choice Mutual often cites third-party websites to provide context and verification for specific claims made in our work. We only link to authoritative websites that provide accurate information. You can learn more about our editorial standards, which guide our mission of delivering factual and impartial content.

  1. product fact sheet. https://www.aaalife.com/binaries/content/assets/fact-sheet/information-sheet_giwl_23821_082522.pdf
  2. AAA website. https://www.aaalife.com/whole-life-insurance/guaranteed-issue-whole-life
  3. roadside service. https://roadside.aaa.com/
  4. in 1969. https://www.aaalife.com/about-us
  5. A.M. Best. https://ratings.ambest.com/CompanyProfile.aspx?BL=0&ambnum=7424&AltNum=21727424&AltSrc=3
  6. BBB. https://www.bbb.org/us/mi/livonia/profile/life-insurance/aaa-life-insurance-company-0332-32019419
  7. Trustpilot. https://www.trustpilot.com/review/aaalife.com
  8. Google. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=aaa+life+Michigan#lrd=0x8824b27041bac465:0x353ccf886df6c7a5,1,,,,
  9. Yelp. https://www.yelp.com/biz/aaa-life-insurance-livonia
  10. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/AAALifeInsuranceCompany/reviews_given
  11. NAIC Complaint Index. https://content.naic.org/cis_refined_results.htm?TABLEAU=CIS_COMPLAINTS&COCODE=71854&REALM=PROD&COCODE=71854&REALM=PROD
  12. BBB Score & Accreditation. https://www.bbb.org/us/mi/livonia/profile/life-insurance/aaa-life-insurance-company-0332-32019419